Saturday, November 14, 2009


better pictures later =]

Action Plan


Not a lot of people from city high actually came, but there were about 25/30 people there.
I made a survey and almost every one filled it out, which will give me a good amount of data.

We got a lot done, and hopefully made a big impact.
I'll try to upload a few pictures later.

I think I'll plan another clean up in the spring, maybe late April.


Friday, November 13, 2009

=D =D =D

Good evening viewers,

This will be quite a different post. My latest blurbs have been about how I was basically falling apart and how I thought I was going to fail, but those will never reappear! Exciting, right?

Back in September, I was wasting time on the internet when I cam upon something quite amazing. I realized our old SCA intern, Ms. Keating, worked at the organization which I had planned to work with in the beginning of my project. I got in contact with her eventually, and everything fell into place.

I met with her a couple of times and continuously talked with her via email about my project and the date has been set for the clean up! It's actually tomorrow! :D

I don't really find talking to Mrs. Savido an easy thing, so I basically set this whole thing up by myself without any of her help what so ever, which is a pretty rewarding feeling. I needed posters to be hung up, but she never responded, but I got volunteers anyways.

Well, that's all for now.


Cherie! :)