Monday, March 16, 2009

Today !

Hello Everyone!

I'm kind of surprised of what I got done today. I honestly haven't done much in this class in a while, but today I got a good amount of my pre-writing questions done. I also did a few notes, but not many, because the rest of they them needed to be answered by interviews.

I was planning on doing some work over the past weekend but the robotics competition that took up most of the time left me in terrible condition on the only day left that I had to work. Although I didn't work on it, I am pretty caught up on what needs to be done so far.

So, overall today was a pretty okay day!


Cherie :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Broken Computer ?!

Good Morning!

Ive kind of been set back because my computer is broken and I have to go across the hall to work but they're are other distracting children from another class in here. I thought that I updated this regularly but apparently I haven't been blogging to much. The past week we were working on a presentation to let the class know what are graduation projects are about. I waited to the very end to present mine, and just went yesterday, which I think I did an okay job on.

Today were supposed to be working on your notes. I don't have to many done and that's mainly because I haven't been doing much in this class at all. Perhaps my procrastinating is the reason I now have a 'B' in this and every other class, except for maybe like two. But my notes are also not all the way done because a lot of my questions have to be answered through interviews.

I guess I'm going to go work on my notes now and perhaps actually get some work done.

