Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Broken Computer ?!

Good Morning!

Ive kind of been set back because my computer is broken and I have to go across the hall to work but they're are other distracting children from another class in here. I thought that I updated this regularly but apparently I haven't been blogging to much. The past week we were working on a presentation to let the class know what are graduation projects are about. I waited to the very end to present mine, and just went yesterday, which I think I did an okay job on.

Today were supposed to be working on your notes. I don't have to many done and that's mainly because I haven't been doing much in this class at all. Perhaps my procrastinating is the reason I now have a 'B' in this and every other class, except for maybe like two. But my notes are also not all the way done because a lot of my questions have to be answered through interviews.

I guess I'm going to go work on my notes now and perhaps actually get some work done.



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