Monday, May 3, 2010

Things are going good!

I didn't turn in my introduction, but it was because I spent most of my time on my website. I'm working on that now to send to her later tonight.

My website is looking better. Some people's look really good, so I decided my original idea needed some work.

This time is flying by! I'm not really sure if thats a good thing, though.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Revised Essential Question

How can a community improve when an illegal dump site (vacant lot) is removed?

I changed vacant lot of illegal dump site because I realized the focus of this project was to see how a community changes with trash-filled lot is removed. Usually vacant lots are filled with trash, but not always. Illegal dump site however are specifically named after the act of illegal dumping, so they therefore will always have trash. I think these are the types of lots that I wanted to focus on from the beginning.

I just found an article called "Litter Bugged" and it was publish just this past February. This has a lot of usable information about dump sites and its the most recent info that I've found.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day Three

These three hours seem to go to slow!

I'm finding a lot of good sources. This is going to be really helpful, since the majority of my sources from last year aren't really that good.

I restarted my notes and outline, and I'm currently working on them simultaneously. They should be complete by Friday if I kept working diligently.

I contacted someone at The Department of Public Works for the city of Pittsburgh to see if they can give me some better statistics on what kind of neighborhoods vacant lots are usually found in.

It's going good I guess, but its just painful sitting here for three straight hours everyday.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Revised foundation questions

I didn't like how most of these were worded so I revised them. Also, a lot of them had the wrong focus, so I changed some of them to focus more on the purpose of my project.

1. What does the city do with abandoned lots that aren’t cleaned up?
2. What is done by the city to help those who chose to clean up vacant lots?
3. Who is most likely to create vacant lots and what are the consequences?
4. What are the effects of a vacant lot on a community?
5. Is there community support to remove vacant lots?
6. Do the feelings of the community change after a vacant lot is removed?
7. What communities in Pittsburgh have the most vacant lots – are they in more poor or wealthy communities?
8. How does an organization gather volunteers, and what is the recommended number?
9. What process does an organization go through when planning to revitalize a vacant lot?
10. What is being done to start the process to remove vacant lots all over the city?

Monday, April 26, 2010


This is going to be a long trimester... (despite that fact that there are technically LESS days)

Saturday, November 14, 2009


better pictures later =]

Action Plan


Not a lot of people from city high actually came, but there were about 25/30 people there.
I made a survey and almost every one filled it out, which will give me a good amount of data.

We got a lot done, and hopefully made a big impact.
I'll try to upload a few pictures later.

I think I'll plan another clean up in the spring, maybe late April.
