Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Revised foundation questions

I didn't like how most of these were worded so I revised them. Also, a lot of them had the wrong focus, so I changed some of them to focus more on the purpose of my project.

1. What does the city do with abandoned lots that aren’t cleaned up?
2. What is done by the city to help those who chose to clean up vacant lots?
3. Who is most likely to create vacant lots and what are the consequences?
4. What are the effects of a vacant lot on a community?
5. Is there community support to remove vacant lots?
6. Do the feelings of the community change after a vacant lot is removed?
7. What communities in Pittsburgh have the most vacant lots – are they in more poor or wealthy communities?
8. How does an organization gather volunteers, and what is the recommended number?
9. What process does an organization go through when planning to revitalize a vacant lot?
10. What is being done to start the process to remove vacant lots all over the city?

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