Friday, January 23, 2009

Foundation Questions


This is just an update of what my essential question is and what my foundation questions are.

Essential Question:
How can a community improve when a abandon
lot is removed?

Foundation Questions:
1. What does the city do with illegal dump sites that aren’t cleaned up?
2. What are the consequences for illegal dumping?
3. What are the effects of an illegal dump site on a community?
4. How do those things change when the illegal dump site is cleaned?
5. What are people’s feelings of illegal dump site?
6. How do those feelings change when a illegal dump site is cleaned?
7. How long does it usually take to revitalize a whole illegal dump site?
8. What are good ways to go about rounding up volunteers?
9. How would you find out if a lot is owned?
10. Do you have to get permission to clean up a lot, owned or not?
11. Who is most likely to illegally dump?

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