Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Topic Ideas

Hello faithful readers,

  1. I haven't heard that much about about the graduation project from city high. I knew some people that had to do one, but I didn't really get all the details. All I know that it takes forever to get done and it can be really hard at times.
  2. There is really only two interests that I want to structure my project around. Those two interests are giving back or raising money for something, and improving the environment in some kind of way.
  3. I guess there's only like two big concerns that I have about the graduation project. The first concern is that it will take forever to finish and, that because it is so much work I might get back-tracked or even bored and fall behind. The other concern is that its going to be really hard at some points, and I don't know, I guess I just really don't like doing hard things.

Hope you had a great read.

1 comment:

  1. Cherie,

    I totally understand your concerns about the project. I don't blame you for not wanting to do hard things; however, other than what's expected for class, you are planning and doing the project. It will be in your hands!
    - Mrs. Savido
