Tuesday, January 20, 2009

once again, another update!

Hello again,

The past couple of weeks I've been flip flopping on ideas of what exactly I have wanted to do, but my topic has remained the same. I've decided to not go with cleaning up the hill side with the MWCDC and go back to my original idea, which was actually finding and cleaning up my own lot. I changed my mind because before the assignment that I completed today, I didn't really have a good idea on what I could do. But, after searching for a bunch of websites I found a lot of good information that would help me complete my original idea.

I still don't know where I want to go looking for a vacant lot because there are a lot of good spaces all over the city. I want to do it close to home so that traveling won't be a problem but I don't know if there are really any good vacant lots around where I live. I'm thinking maybe that it'd be easier just to go work with http://www.city.pittsburgh.pa.us/redduppgh/index.html, because I could still do the research on how it affects that community, but I just won't have to worry about gathering volunteers and money.

This is what I have so far:

Topic: Raising awareness of the importance of living in cleaner world.
Essential Question: How can a community improve when a vacant lot is revitalized?

I'm hoping that I'm going in the right direction. I'm pretty sure that I am comfortable with this topic and that this project will remain interesting for the whole time.

Thanks for reading!

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