Saturday, November 14, 2009


better pictures later =]

Action Plan


Not a lot of people from city high actually came, but there were about 25/30 people there.
I made a survey and almost every one filled it out, which will give me a good amount of data.

We got a lot done, and hopefully made a big impact.
I'll try to upload a few pictures later.

I think I'll plan another clean up in the spring, maybe late April.


Friday, November 13, 2009

=D =D =D

Good evening viewers,

This will be quite a different post. My latest blurbs have been about how I was basically falling apart and how I thought I was going to fail, but those will never reappear! Exciting, right?

Back in September, I was wasting time on the internet when I cam upon something quite amazing. I realized our old SCA intern, Ms. Keating, worked at the organization which I had planned to work with in the beginning of my project. I got in contact with her eventually, and everything fell into place.

I met with her a couple of times and continuously talked with her via email about my project and the date has been set for the clean up! It's actually tomorrow! :D

I don't really find talking to Mrs. Savido an easy thing, so I basically set this whole thing up by myself without any of her help what so ever, which is a pretty rewarding feeling. I needed posters to be hung up, but she never responded, but I got volunteers anyways.

Well, that's all for now.


Cherie! :)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I hope I don't fail.

I'm really going to start working on this thing asap because I feel like I'm going to fail =/

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Good evening viewers,

As much as I regret to inform everyone, though it may not be surprising, I got absolutely nothing done over this break. I really wanted to, but it was so short and I was so busy, I didn't have time for anything related to this project. I'll try and do something in the next couple of days to have something to report back with, but chances are nothings going to happen. I'm kind of disappointed, but oh well.


Cherie :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday - Only one day left ! :D


There is only a few minutes left, so I figured I blog. There is only one full class left, and I am both excited and worried. I've been working on re-doing my notes, except in a different format. I got my proposal done, and I really think I did a good job with that.

I just hope I will actually work on this over break

That's all the time I have.



Monday, March 16, 2009

Today !

Hello Everyone!

I'm kind of surprised of what I got done today. I honestly haven't done much in this class in a while, but today I got a good amount of my pre-writing questions done. I also did a few notes, but not many, because the rest of they them needed to be answered by interviews.

I was planning on doing some work over the past weekend but the robotics competition that took up most of the time left me in terrible condition on the only day left that I had to work. Although I didn't work on it, I am pretty caught up on what needs to be done so far.

So, overall today was a pretty okay day!


Cherie :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Broken Computer ?!

Good Morning!

Ive kind of been set back because my computer is broken and I have to go across the hall to work but they're are other distracting children from another class in here. I thought that I updated this regularly but apparently I haven't been blogging to much. The past week we were working on a presentation to let the class know what are graduation projects are about. I waited to the very end to present mine, and just went yesterday, which I think I did an okay job on.

Today were supposed to be working on your notes. I don't have to many done and that's mainly because I haven't been doing much in this class at all. Perhaps my procrastinating is the reason I now have a 'B' in this and every other class, except for maybe like two. But my notes are also not all the way done because a lot of my questions have to be answered through interviews.

I guess I'm going to go work on my notes now and perhaps actually get some work done.



Thursday, February 5, 2009


I haven't done any updating in a while so I'll just spend the rest of the class doing that. I've pretty much got everything done that was on the checklist that we were given, except my webliography. I only have two done, but I'm sure I'll be able to finish it later tonight. I'm not sure that my sites are all usable, so I'll probably have to try and find like 2 more.

There really isn't much else to update on because today was a short class, and I've pretty much covered everything that I've done. Everything else with my project is going pretty well, and I'm pretty sure that this topic is a definite, and there will be no changing late into the trimester.



Friday, January 30, 2009

Did You Know..?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Foundation Questions


This is just an update of what my essential question is and what my foundation questions are.

Essential Question:
How can a community improve when a abandon
lot is removed?

Foundation Questions:
1. What does the city do with illegal dump sites that aren’t cleaned up?
2. What are the consequences for illegal dumping?
3. What are the effects of an illegal dump site on a community?
4. How do those things change when the illegal dump site is cleaned?
5. What are people’s feelings of illegal dump site?
6. How do those feelings change when a illegal dump site is cleaned?
7. How long does it usually take to revitalize a whole illegal dump site?
8. What are good ways to go about rounding up volunteers?
9. How would you find out if a lot is owned?
10. Do you have to get permission to clean up a lot, owned or not?
11. Who is most likely to illegally dump?

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I thought that I could have a back up plan in case my plans to clean up didn't work, but it turns out that the back up plan is no good. I thought if my plan fell through that I could just work with Redd up Pittsburgh because I thought they had they're own team and already scheduled events. But it turns out that you do all the work and just call and have the mayor help out for a while. So now I have to get busy and make sure that my plan is full proof and because if it isn't then I'm going to have the biggest step backwards ever.

I think that I have an outline on what I want to do in the next couple of days or weeks:
  1. Go scouting for good vacant lots
  2. Look for support
  3. Plan, Plan, Plan
  4. Rally volunteers
  5. Come up with a design or scheme or what the lot will be changed in to
  6. and more things.

I'll add to that list later as time goes by, but now I must be off.



Tuesday, January 20, 2009

once again, another update!

Hello again,

The past couple of weeks I've been flip flopping on ideas of what exactly I have wanted to do, but my topic has remained the same. I've decided to not go with cleaning up the hill side with the MWCDC and go back to my original idea, which was actually finding and cleaning up my own lot. I changed my mind because before the assignment that I completed today, I didn't really have a good idea on what I could do. But, after searching for a bunch of websites I found a lot of good information that would help me complete my original idea.

I still don't know where I want to go looking for a vacant lot because there are a lot of good spaces all over the city. I want to do it close to home so that traveling won't be a problem but I don't know if there are really any good vacant lots around where I live. I'm thinking maybe that it'd be easier just to go work with, because I could still do the research on how it affects that community, but I just won't have to worry about gathering volunteers and money.

This is what I have so far:

Topic: Raising awareness of the importance of living in cleaner world.
Essential Question: How can a community improve when a vacant lot is revitalized?

I'm hoping that I'm going in the right direction. I'm pretty sure that I am comfortable with this topic and that this project will remain interesting for the whole time.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

yet another update


I've decided that I want to kick out the finding a vacant lot thing and cleaning it up, but no worries, I've got another plan. The Mount Washington Community Development Corporation does an even every year where they go down the hill side and pick up litter. I have some connections with them so volunteering probably wouldn't be a problem, but I just don't know what my essential question be. I'm thinking it could be very similar to the one that I had yesterday but I'm not that sure. I am sure though that I want to do this hill side cleanup because its a annual event and nothing could go wrong, probably, unlike if I were doing it on my own.

I'm still working out the kinks, but I'm pretty sure that I am now going into the right direction.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Big Update


I've finally got a topic and an essential question, which is improving the environment by asking 'what do you suppose will happen to a community when a vacant lot is removed'. I'm going to research some benefits of revitalizing vacant lots, how some people have done it, and the program that the mayor is doing to make Pittsburgh look like a better place. I'm also going to look into where I should actually find a lot to cleanup. I have an idea where I want all of this to go down, but it's all not 100%.

Well, that's all the updating for today.

Thanks for reading.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Today in Class 1/9/09

There really wasn't much to get done in class. I had to finish the assignment that we started yesterday, and now that it's done there is nothing to do for 20 minutes.

I don't really have any plans yet on what I want to do my graduation project on. I had one idea, which was to raise money for some kind of foundation, but I don't know if I want to do that anymore because it doesn't sound like it would be fun.

Some ideas that I have are:
  • raising money for something
  • painting a mural or something like that
  • refurbishing an empty lot in a neighborhood that really needs it.
  • or something with animals
I guess I'll think more about what I want to do and hope that I come up with a good topic.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Topic Ideas

Hello faithful readers,

  1. I haven't heard that much about about the graduation project from city high. I knew some people that had to do one, but I didn't really get all the details. All I know that it takes forever to get done and it can be really hard at times.
  2. There is really only two interests that I want to structure my project around. Those two interests are giving back or raising money for something, and improving the environment in some kind of way.
  3. I guess there's only like two big concerns that I have about the graduation project. The first concern is that it will take forever to finish and, that because it is so much work I might get back-tracked or even bored and fall behind. The other concern is that its going to be really hard at some points, and I don't know, I guess I just really don't like doing hard things.

Hope you had a great read.